referrer-policy http header


Looking to control the referrer-policy of your site? There are certain privacy and security benefits. However, not all the options are supported by all the browsers, so review your requirements before the implementation.

Referrer-Policy supports the following syntax.

no-referrerReferrer information will not be sent with the request.
no-referrer-when-downgradeThe default setting where referrer is sent to the same protocol as HTTP to HTTP, HTTPS to HTTPS.
unsafe-urlfull URL will be sent with the request.
same-originReferrer will be sent only for same origin site.
strict-originsend only when a protocol is HTTPS
strict-origin-when-cross-originthe full URL will be sent over a strict protocol like HTTPS
originsend the origin URL in all the requests
origin-when-cross-originsend FULL URL on the same origin. However, send only origin URL in other cases.


You can add the following if you want to set no-referrer.

Header set Referrer-Policy "no-referrer"

And after the restart, you should have in the response headers.


Let’s say you need to implement the same origin, so you got to add the following.

add_header Referrer-Policy same-origin;

Once configured, you should have the results below.

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