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The X-Frame-Options Header is a security header suggested by Microsoft to avoid the UI Redressing attacks that began with Clickjacking in 2009. It’s supported by all major browsers. UI Redressing attacks are based on loading web pages inside an iframe and overlaying them with other UI elements. There are various types of UI Redressing, such as hijacking keystrokes or extraction of content, each with its own advantages for attackers.

X-Frame-Options Header is a security header

The Clickjacking attack method works by loading the malicious website inside a low opacity iframe and overlaying it with an innocuous looking button, checkbox or link, which tricks the user into interacting with the vulnerable website beneath. This forces the user to click the apparently safe UI element, which triggers a set of actions on the embedded vulnerable website.


In this example, Amazon is loaded in a low opacity iframe and is therefore not visible by the user. The user sees the Click Here button instead of the Buy button below. When the user clicks on the Click Here button however, only the Buy button on Amazon is actually clicked, which triggers a set of actions on Amazon. Since these interactions take place as if the victim was intentionally browsing the website, the interaction triggered on Amazon will include the victim’s credentials (such as Cookies) too. (Please note that this scenario is completely imaginary and set in an environment where security mechanisms like X-Frame-Options headers are unavailable.)

How to Prevent Clickjacking Attacks

Clickjacking is an attack that targets users as the weakest link in the online security chain. Multiple methods, such as Frame Busting, have been implemented to protect users from this attack. The most reliable method is the X-Frame-Options header, which was added to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browsers in 2009. In order to protect our users from attacks like Clickjacking, the best tactic is to prevent malicious websites from framing our pages to render with iframes or frames. We can use the X-Frame-Options security header to do this.

Check Your Security Headers

HTTP security headers are a fundamental part of website security

‘HTTP Security Response Headers’ allow a server to push additional security information to web browsers and govern how the web browsers and visitors are able to interact with your web application.

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